
Black Friday

Black Friday

Black Friday is the day that comes right after Thanksgiving in the United States and is usually at the end of November each year, and this day is the beginning of the Christmas gift buying season.
 On this day, most stores offer great discounts,
 opening early for up to 4am. Because of the big discounts and because most Christmas gifts are bought that day, 
large numbers of consumers gather at dawn Friday outside the department stores waiting to open. At the opening, the crowd begins to jump and run, and everyone who wants to get the most of the discounted goods. On Black Friday,
 some online stores such as Amazon and eBay also offer attractive offers. On that day, the site offers discounts on many products, and in addition to making a very special offer on a particular product that changes every hour.

The origin of the label

The designation of Black Friday dates back to the nineteenth century, which was associated with the financial crisis of 1869 in the United States, 
which was a major blow to the American economy, where goods were stalled and movements stopped buying and causing an economic disaster in America, recovered by several measures, including cuts Since that day it has become a tradition in America. Major stores, 
shops and agencies make major discounts on their products up to 90% of their value and then return to their normal price after the end of Black Friday or the special month. On this day .

The description of this day in black it is not caused by hatred or pessimism, has been given this label the first time in 1960 by the police of the city of Philadelphia that gave this the title, where they show traffic jams great and the essence of long queues in front of shops during this day known shopping bringing the Police Department of the city of Philadelphia that day of Black Friday to describe that mess clients in traffic problems and policies, also rumored that not the meaning shows in commerce and accounting, where it shows a profit and get rid of the border in warehouses, While crossing the color red on the loss and or the accumulation of goods and depress the work.

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